
Here are some examples of my work. If you want to stay up to date with what's happening at Stitch Studio you can visit my News page, join my 'Stitch List' or follow me on Instagram and Facebook, or just get in touch here.

Stitch Studio Snake

Stitch Studio Snake detail

Stitch Studio group of garden birds

Stitch Studio cute cat with flowers

Stitch Studio orange fox

Stitch Studio mini Schnauzer

Stitch Studio Orange dragon

Stitch Studio retro elephant

Stitch Studio Yeti

Stitch Studio orange frog

Stitch Studio cute garden snail

Stitch Studio green dragon

Stitch Studio green dragon detail

Stitch Studio bunny with flowers

Stitch Studio bumble bee

Stitch Studio pom pom poodle

Stitch Studio panda and koala

Stitch Studio Hen and Chick

Stitch Studio cute dog with flowers

Stitch Studio festive Reindeer